
Recalls & faults: Dodge JC Journey (2008-16)

Recalls: Dodge JC Journey


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Dodge JC Journey

2008 Dodge JC Journey: airbag may not deploy

In March 2016, a recall was issued for 2008 Dodge Journey vehicles because the Occupant Restraint Control (ORC) module may malfunction due to corrosion of the power supply integrated circuit. If this occurred, the airbag warning lamp may illuminate and the airbag may not deploy in a collision, or the airbag may deploy inadvertently – both of these conditions increased the risk of injury to the front occupants of the vehicle (PRA 2016/15237).

2009 Dodge JC Journey: side airbags may not deploy

In February 2011, a recall was issued for 2009 model year Dodge Journey vehicles. In these vehicles, the front door wiring harness may fatigue and break. The resultant broken wires could interrupt circuits for the side impact sensor(s), causing the sensors to stop working and the airbag warning lamp to illuminate. In the event of an accident, the side airbags may therefore not operate (PRA 2011/12931).

2009-10 Dodge JC Journey: engine shutdown

In July 2011, a recall was issued for 2010 model year Dodge Journey vehicles. For these vehicles, if the FOBIK (keyless entry unit) was not fully seated in the ‘ON’ position, it could inadvertently move to the ‘accessory’ mode. Under certain driving conditions such as bumpy roads, this defect could cause an unintended engine shut off and pose a hazard to the driver and other road users (PRA 2011/12924). In June 2015, this recall was superseded by PRA 2015/14740, described below.

In June 2015, a recall was issued for 2009 and 2010 Dodge Journey vehicles. In these vehicles, the Wireless Ignition Node (WIN) module may have unintentional movement of the Frequency Operated Button Ignition Key (FOBIK) from the ‘On’ to the ‘Accessory’ position while driving – this could cause the engine to shut down unexpectedly, posing an accident hazard to the driver and other road users (PRA 2015/14740). Please note that this recall superseded the recall which was issued in July 2011 and is described above (PRA 2011/12924).

2012MY Dodge JC Journey: connecting rod bearing failure

In November 2011, a recall was issued for 2012 model year Dodge Journey vehicles. In these vehicles, engine block debris may cause the connecting rod bearing to fail – this could result in a loss of engine power and/or engine seizure which could result in an accident (PRA 2011/12916).

2015-16 Dodge JC Journey V6: transaxle oil pump and loss of power

In August 2016, a recall was issued for Dodge JC Journey vehicles that had 3.6-litre V6 petrol engines, automatic transmissions and were built from 17 August 2015 to 29 January 2016. In these vehicles, the transaxle oil pump may experience a loss of hydraulic oil pressure due to improper manufacture of the oil pump. A loss of transaxle hydraulic oil pressure would cause a loss of motive power, posing a potential accident hazard; for the recalled Dodge Journey vehicles, the transaxle oil pump was to be replaced. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2016/15598.

2011-15 Dodge JC Journey: driver’s airbag may deploy unexpectedly

In September 2017, a recall was issued for 2011-15 Dodge JC Journey vehicles because the steering wheel wire harness could become trapped between a tab on the steering wheel plastic back cover and the edge of the horn plate. As a result, the edge of the horn plate could rub through the wire insulation, cause an electrical short circuit and, in turn, cause the driver’s airbag to deploy unexpectedly. Deployment of the driver’s airbag could increase the risk of a collision and/or injury to vehicle occupants. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2017/16280.

2014-16 Dodge JC Journey: cruise control locks speed or causes acceleration

In July 2018, a recall (campaign U49) was issued for 2014-16 Dodge JC Journey vehicles. In these vehicles, faulty software for the Power Control Module (PCM) could affect cruise control – this could cause locking of speed or vehicle acceleration. If the driver did not shift to neutral or apply the brakes to stop the vehicle, this condition could cause a collision. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2018/16819.

Problems and faults: Dodge JC Journey


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items identified below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Dodge JC Journey 3.6L: left cylinder head leak

In June 2014, Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) 09-002-14 was issued for the Dodge JC Journey vehicles with 3.6-litre Pentastar V6 engines that were manufactured before 25 July 2012. In these vehicles, the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) may illuminate and be accompanied by the following Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs):

  • P0300: Multiple Cylinder Misfire;
  • P0302: Cylinder 2 Misfire;
  • P0304: Cylinder 4 Misfire; and,
  • P0306: Cylinder 6 Misfire.

The service bulletin recommended that a cylinder leakage test be conducted on the cylinders exhibiting the misfire DTC. If any of the cylinders exhibited a leakage of 25 per cent or above, the left cylinder head was to be replaced.

2008 Dodge Journey: front door latches may corrode

In 2013, Dodge UK issued a ‘non-code action’ for Dodge Journey vehicles that were manufactured from 1 July 2008 to 31 July 2008. For these Dodge Journey vehicles, the front door latches could corrode – this could result in not being able to open the doors, including when people were in the cabin. For affected vehicles, both front door latches were to be replaced (NCA/2013/012).

Dodge JC Journey: tailgate wiring and electrical problems

In the Dodge JC Journey, there are electrical wires which extend from the body of the vehicle and into the rear tailgate; these wires are covered by an accordion boot/casing in the area between the body and the tailgate. With each opening and closing of the tailgate, the plastic insulation for these wires can bend and chafe. Over time, the wires may shear through. If this occurs, electrical items associated with the tailgate – such as the boot lights, boot lock, rear wiper and rear view camera – may work intermittently or stop working at all. To fix, the wiring harness has to be replaced.

2011-12 Dodge JC Journey: front suspension noise over bumps or when turning

In March 2013, Chrysler Group LLC issued Service Bulletin 02-001-13 for Dodge JC Journey vehicles that were manufactured from 1 December 2011 to 5 December 2012. In these vehicles, the driver may experience a noise from the front upper strut mount when the vehicle is being driven over bumps or when turning. According to Service Bulletin 02-001-13, these symptoms could be caused by a noisy strut bearing and ‘Chassis Ears’ were to be placed at the upper strut mount to diagnose the problem.

Dodge JC Journey: other problems and faults

  • Although the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) may be turned off, air may come from the vents due to the fresh air/recirculate door staying open – this can often be closed by turning the air conditioning on and off, but reprogramming the HVAC module is required for a permanent fix.
  • After a cold start, the engine may have a rough idle and the ‘check engine’ light may illuminate – reprogramming the powertrain control module may resolve this problem.
  • When refueling, the nozzle may click off repeatedly – if allowing the engine to idle for 60 seconds before shutting it down does not help, the fuel tank may require replacement.
  • Groaning or grinding noises when accelerating and turning left indicate that the power steering pump reservoir requires replacement.

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