
Recalls & faults: Honda FK8 Civic Type R (2017-on)

Recalls: Honda FK8 Civic Type R


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Honda FK8 Civic Type R

2017-18 Honda Civic Type R: owner’s manual lacking information or omitted

In December 2018, recall campaign 6NS was issued for Honda Civic Type R vehicles that were available for sale from 13 July 2017 to 11 May 2018. In certain vehicles, the Owner’s Manual may not contain all relevant information required by the mandatory standard and, in other vehicles, the Owner’s Manual may not have been supplied. As such, the driver and vehicle occupants may incorrectly use items such as the seat belts, child anchorage systems, vehicle notifications and operations. Replacement manuals were to be supplied to owners from January 2019. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2018/17175.

2018-19 model year Honda FK8 Civic Type R: fuel pump impeller failure

In July 2020, recall campaign 6FE was issued for 2018-19 model year Honda FK8 Civic Type R vehicles. Due to an inappropriate production process at the supplier, fuel could penetrate the fuel pump impeller – this could cause the impeller to swell and deform during use of the vehicle. As a result, the impeller and pump chamber come into contact, causing the fuel pump to stop working – this, in turn, could prevent the engine from starting or cause the engine to stall while driving. This latter event increased the risk of a collision, injury and death to vehicle occupants and road users. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2020/18363.

Problems and faults: Honda FK8 Civic Type R


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Problems and faults: Honda FK8 Civic Type R

No troubleshooting information is currently available for the Honda FK8 Civic Type R.

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