
Recalls & faults: Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque (2011-18)

Recalls: Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally. 

Recalls: Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque

2012 model year Range Rover Evoque: steering gear mount fixings may fracture

In February 2013, a recall was issued for ten (10) 2012 model year Range Rover Evoques. In these vehicles, one or both of the steering gear mount fixings may experience a fatigue fracture – this may manifest as an unusual noise from the front of the vehicle during low speed manoeuvres. If both bolts were to fail, the turning circle of the vehicle may be affected. The VINs of the vehicles subject to the recall were in the range SAL VA2B G0CH 704223 to SAL VA2A E6DH 713526 (PRA 2013/13486).

2012 Range Rover Evoque: brake calliper fixings may detach

In February 2013, a recall was issued for twenty-eight (28) 2012 model year Range Rover Evoques. In rare cases, one or both of the brake calliper fixings may become detached from the vehicle, leading to a loss of brake circuit function and possible sudden deflation of a tyre, thereby increasing the risk of a vehicle accident. If the brake calliper fixings were to detach, the driver may experience abnormal noises from the rear of the vehicle when driving or when the brakes were applied. The VINs of the vehicles subject to the recall were in the range SAL VA2A E7CH 687968 to SAL VA2B G1CH 688422 (PRA 2013/13487).

2012-13 model year Range Rover Evoque 2.2 Diesel: potential fuel leak

In August 2013, a recall was issued for 2995 model year 2012 to 2013 Range Rover Evoque vehicles that were powered by 2.2-litre turbo-diesel engines. In these vehicles, diesel fuel may leak from the engine-mounted injector spill rail spigot to the spill return pipe connector joint. If this occurred, diesel fuel could leak onto the ground and also run onto the exhaust system and turbocharger, posing a risk of an under-bonnet fire. The affected vehicles had serial numbers in the range 639806 to 816769 (PRA 2013/13697).

2015 Range Rover Evoque: potential short circuit and engine cut-out

In December 2015, a recall was issued for Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque vehicles that had diesel engines and were manufactured from 9 July 2015 to 16 October 2015. In these vehicles, the routing of the engine harness may not have sufficient clearance such that wires could contact the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) casing. Over time, this contact could cause the wires within the protective sleeve of the engine harness to wear and expose the wires – this could result in an electrical short circuit to the metal EGR valve. The short circuit could cause a range of vehicle failure modes and, at worst, the engine may cut-out with minimal warning to the driver, potentially causing a crash. The recalled Range Rover Evoque vehicles had VINs in the range SALVA2AN4GH079010 to SALVA2BNXGH099325 (PRA 2015/15080).

In March 2017, a recall was issued for 2016 model year Range Rover Evoque vehicles that had previously been recalled in December 2015 (PRA 2015/15080) – these vehicles had 2.0-litre diesel engines and were available for sale in Australia from 1 November 2015 to 31 January 2016. These recalled Range Rover Evoque vehicles had VINs in the range SALVA2AN4GH07910 to SALVA2BNXGH099325 (PRA 2017/15970).

The recall modification that had previously been performed had been determined not to be sufficiently durable for the life of the vehicle. As a result, the engine harness could contact the EGR casting bracket, causing wires within the engine harness protective sleeve to wear through. This would expose the wires and could cause a short circuit to the metal bracket which had been added in the previous recall. The short circuit could result in a range of vehicle failures – such as the engine cutting out and a loss of brake power assistance – that posed a safety risk to vehicle occupants and other road users.

2016 Range Rover Evoque: left hand lower control arm incorrectly assembled

In January 2017, a recall was issued for Range Rover Evoque vehicles that were available for sale in Australia from 31 March 2016 to 25 August 2016. In the front suspension, the left hand lower control arm to the knuckle joint was incorrectly assembled. If the vehicle experienced a hock impact – such as a deep pothole or kerb strike – to the affected front wheel, the front suspension could fail. If the front suspension failed, the affected front wheel would separate from its lower joint and cause a loss of directional control. The recalled Range Rover Evoque vehicles had VINs in the range SALVA2AN5GH149193 to SALVA2BN1HH176766 (PRA 2017/15824).

2016 Range Rover Evoque: right hand lower control arm incorrectly assembled

In January 2017, a recall was issued for Range Rover Evoque vehicles that were available for sale in Australia from 31 March 2016 to 25 August 2016. In the front suspension, the right hand lower control arm to the knuckle joint was incorrectly assembled. If the vehicle experienced a hock impact – such as a deep pothole or kerb strike – to the affected front wheel, the front suspension could fail. If the front suspension failed, the affected front wheel would separate from its lower joint and cause a loss of directional control. The recalled Range Rover Evoque vehicles had VINs in the range SALVA2AN5GH159180 to SALVA2BN1HH176858 (PRA 2017/15826).

2016 Range Rover Evoque 2.0L Diesel: wiring for engine harness could short circuit

In January 2017, a recall was issued for Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque vehicles that had 2.0-litre diesel engines and were manufactured from 4 July 2016 to 10 October 2016. In these vehicles, the engine harness may have been routed incorrectly and could contact the water charge air cooler bracket. Furthermore, vibration of the engine could cause chafing against the outer sheath of the cable and expose the wires of the engine harness. Depending on the location of the chafing, electrical arcing and a short circuit could occur – this could cause a warning light on the instrument panel to illuminate, loss of the electric steering system, the engine to cut out, engine parts to melt, smoke or an under bonnet fire. The recalled Range Rover Evoque vehicles had VINs in the range SALVA2BN2HH168185 to SALVA5BN3HH188706 (PRA 2017/15845).

2016-17 model year Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque: front passenger airbag may not deploy

In February 2017, a recall was issued for 2016 and 2017 model year Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque vehicles that were available for sale in Australia from 31 August 2016 to 31 October 2016. In these vehicles, the mixture of chemicals used in the front passenger airbag may not meet specification. In the event of a collision, the initiator may therefore not function properly and the front passenger airbag may not inflate. If the airbag failed to deploy, it would increase the risk of injury to the front seat occupant. The recalled Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque vehicles had VINs in the range SALVA2AN4HH178184 to SALVA2AN2HL921082 (PRA 2017/15899).

2018 model year L538 Range Rover Evoque: potential fuel leak

In March 2018, a recall was issued for 2018 model year Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque vehicles that had 2.0-litre turbocharged ‘Ingenium’ petrol engines. In these vehicles, the engine-mounted fuel rails may not have been manufactured correctly – this could cause fuel vapour and liquid fuel leaks within the engine bay. If this occurred, vehicle occupants may notice a fuel odour and, if the bonnet was lifted, liquid fuel could be visible. If the leaking fuel came into contact with a hot surface in the engine bay, the fuel could ignite and start an under-bonnet fire. For the VIN ranges of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2018/16680.

2015-16 L538 Range Rover Evoque: may not comply with emissions standards

In September 2019, recall campaign N220 was issued for Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque vehicles that were available for sale in Australia from 18 December 2015 to 30 March 2016. In these vehicles, there was greater than expected variation in carbon dioxide emissions between vehicles, such that they may not meet the required emissions standards. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2019/17794.

Problems and faults: Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Problems and faults: Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque

No troubleshooting information is currently available for the Land Rover L538 Range Rover Evoque.

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