
Recalls & faults: Lexus XV30 ES (2001-05)

Recalls: Lexus XV30 ES


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally. 

Recalls: Lexus XV30 ES

  • In December 2001, a recall was issued for Lexus ES 300 models manufactured from 30 July 2001 to 25 October 2001 due to a condition in which the lower portion of the driver side airbag cover (horn pad) may become detached from the airbag module during deployment. During deployment, this cover could potentially strike the driver and cause injury (PRA 2001/5093).
  • In November 2011, a recall was issued for Lexus ES 300 models produced from 1 June 2004 to 31 March 2005 due to the insufficient application of an adhesive agent between the outer ring and torsional rubber damper of the crankshaft pulley – this could cause abnormal noises or sudden illumination of the of the charging system warning light. In rare cases, the belt for the power steering pump could become detached from the pulley, resulting in a sudden and unexpected increase in the amount of steering effort required. The recalled vehicles had VINs in the range JTH BF30G# 06029883 to JTH BF30G# 06036881 (PRA 2011/12898).

Problems and faults: Lexus XV30 ES


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Lexus XV30 ES 300: gear shift enhancement

In August 2003, Lexus issued Service Bulletin TC004-03 for 2002 and 2003 model year Lexus ES 300 vehicles. To improve transmission shift feel, a new calibration was developed for the engine control module (ECM) to:

  • Reduce downshift lag when accelerating from 15 km/h to 30 km/h;
  • Reduce gear hunting when driving on/off accelerator pedal from 30 km/h to 50 km/h; and,
  • Improve response rate during heavy acceleration from rest.

Problems and faults: Lexus XV30 ES

  • Front brake noise could be corrected by replacing both the pads and rotors with improved parts.
  • A revised alternator was available for vehicles that drained their batteries due to infrequent use or long periods of idling.
  • If the adjustable steering wheel does not release after being fully lowered, the wiring harness in the steering column may need to be repositioned.
  • Squeaking or creaking noises from the front end may be due to a rubber tube on the spring and the spring upper insulator; replacement tubes were available.
  • Replacement fuel filler caps were available for those which were hard to remove.

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