
Recalls & faults: Lexus XE20 IS F (2008-14)

Recalls: Lexus XE20 IS F


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Lexus XE20 IS F

2008-10 Lexus IS F: fuel leak

In October 2014, a recall was issued for Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles that were produced from 7 August 2008 to 28 June 2010. In these vehicles, the sealing property of the gasket between the fuel pressure sensor and the fuel delivery pipe could degrade over time – if this occurred, fuel may leak and pose a fire hazard. If the owner detected a smell of fuel either inside or outside the vehicle, Lexus recommended that the driver immediately stop driving the vehicle and contact their nearest Lexus Dealer for diagnosis and repair. The recalled Lexus IS F vehicles had VINs in the range JTH BP262 # 05004689 to JTH BP262 # 05008025 (PRA 2014/14385).

2008-11 Lexus IS F: Takata airbag recall #1

In June 2016, Lexus issued a recall for Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles that were manufactured from 7 August 2008 to 13 December 2011. Over time, the front passenger airbag inflator in these vehicles may be susceptible to moisture ingress that would cause the inflator propellant to degrade. In the event of a collision that caused the front passenger airbag to deploy, the airbag may deploy abnormally and the airbag inflator housing may rupture, causing metal fragments to be scattered through the cabin – this posed a risk of injury to the occupants. The recalled Lexus IS F vehicles had VINs in the range JTH BP262 # 05004688 to JTH BP262 # 05010170 (PRA 2016/15425).

2012-14 Lexus IS F: Takata airbag recall #2

In January 2017, a recall was issued for Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles that were manufactured from 7 January 2012 to 26 December 2012. In these vehicles, the front passenger’s airbag inflator could be susceptible to moisture intrusion over time and this could cause the inflator propellant to degrade. In the event that the front passenger airbag deployed, overly aggressive combustion could cause the airbag inflator housing to rupture, scattering metal fragments within the cabin and posing a hazard to occupants. The recalled Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles had VINs in the range JTH BP262 # 05010222 to JTH BP262 # 05011092 (PRA 2017/15846).

In January 2018, PRA 2017/15846 was expanded by PRA 2018/16536 to include Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles that were manufactured from 7 January 2013 to 2 December 2013; these vehicles had VINs in the rangeJTH BP262 # 05011096 to JTH BP262 # 05011414.In January 2019, PRA 2018/16536 was expanded for Lexus IS F vehicles that were produced from 30 January 2014 to 24 July 2014; for the VINs of these vehicles, please see PRA 2019/17284.

2008-12 Lexus XE20 IS F: Takata airbag recall #3

In October 2019, recall campaign CGG94 was issued for Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles that were manufactured from 7 August 2008 to 26 December 2012. These vehicles had previously been recalled for ‘like-for-like’ replacement of a Takata airbag and this recall was to replace that defective airbag. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2019/17791.

2013-14 Lexus XE20 IS F: low-pressure fuel pump may stop working

In April 2020 and November 2020, recall campaigns VGG17 and VGG05 were issued for Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles that were produced from September 2013 to July 2014. In these vehicles, the low-pressure fuel pump could stop operating – if this occurred, the engine may stall and the vehicle may not restart; alternatively, the engine may not run smoothly. Beyond this, warning lights and messages may be displayed on the instrument panel. To fix, the low-pressure fuel pump was to be replaced. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2020/18243.

Search online for recalls by VIN

To see if a Lexus vehicle has been recalled, you can conduct a search on the Lexus Australia website using its VIN.

Problems and faults: Lexus XE20 IS F


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Lexus XE20 IS F: Accessory Drive Belt Tensioner noise

In December 2008, Lexus issued Service Bulletin L-SB-0164-08 for 2008 Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles with VINs preceding JTHBP2#2*85001591. In these vehicles, an ‘abnormal’ noise may be heard from the engine accessory drive belt area. An improved accessory drive belt tensioner assembly was developed to keep the tensioner pulley in alignment with the other pulleys.

If the tensioner pulley was out of alignment,

  • The drive belt and tensioner assembly were to be removed;
  • The drive belt tensioner assembly replaced; and,
  • The drive belt replaced.

Lexus XE20 IS F: rear view mirror discoloration and stripes

In December 2009, Lexus issued Service Bulletin L-SB-0186-09 for 2008-09 model year Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles. In these vehicles, the interior rear view mirror glass may be discoloured or have a striped pattern. An improved service part was introduced to fix this condition.

Lexus XE20 IS F: windscreen rattle

In May 2010, Lexus issued Lexus Service Bulletin L-SB-0090-08 Rev 1 for pre-2010 Lexus XE20 IS F vehicles. In these vehicles, a creaking, ticking or rattling noise may be heard at the top or bottom of the windscreen. According to the service bulletin, this may be attributable to:

  • The two windscreen stoppers that are bottom to the top of the windscreen; or,
  • The windshield retainers which are bonded to the lower edge of the windscreen.

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