
Recalls & faults: Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class (2015-on)

Recalls: Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class

2017 Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class: wheel could detach

In December 2017, a recall was issued for Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class vehicles that were available for sale from 1 June 2017 to 8 December 2017. In these vehicles, the retaining rings of the wheel bearings on the front axle may not have been correctly engaged and could drift. In the case of a fault, the ABS sensors would cause a warning to be displayed in the instrument cluster; the driver may also notice noises from the service brake. If these warning signs were ignored, the wheel could detach from the vehicle and this would pose a hazard for vehicle occupants and other road users. For the VINs of the recalled Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class vehicles, please see PRA 2017/16481.

2015-17 model year Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class: airbag may deploy inadvertently

In January 2018, a recall was issued for 2015 model year Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class vehicles that were available for sale in Australia from 1 May 2015 to 31 July 2015; in March 2018, however, this recall was extended to include vehicles available for sale from 1 May 2015 to 30 September 2017. In these vehicles, the driver airbag could be triggered in the absence of a collision due to electrostatic discharge if 1) the steering column was not sufficiently grounded and 2) the steering column switch module was damaged or faulty. An airbag warning message would alert the driver via the instrument cluster display as well as a red airbag indicator lamp that the steering column was damaged or faulty. Inadvertent deployment of the driver airbag could increase the risk of injury to the driver and risk of a collision. For the VINs of the recalled Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class vehicles, please see PRA 2018/16537.

2017 Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class: wiring loom damage could prevent airbag deployment

In July 2018, a recall (campaign RC2511) was issued for Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class vehicles that were available for sale in Australia from 1 April 2017 to 30 June 2017. In these vehicles, swivelling the front seats could cause the wiring loom fasteners to detach under the seat. If the wiring loom was damaged, the side airbag could inflate without warning, the red SRS warning light would illuminate and, in the event of a collision, the airbags may not inflate. For the VINs of the recalled Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class vehicles, please see PRA 2018/16881.

2019 Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class: plastic flap on airbag could be projected into cabin

In December 2019, recall campaign RC2743 was issued for Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class vehicles that were available for sale in Australia from 1 March 2019 to 30 April 2019. During activation of the front passenger airbag, the plastic flap on top of the airbag may tear off. If this occurred, the front passenger airbag may not adequately restrain the passenger. Furthermore, the plastic flap could be propelled – as a single part or in splintered parts – from the dashboard into the vehicle’s cabin, increasing the risk of injury to vehicle occupants. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles please see PRA 2019/18036.

2019 Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class: faulty head restraints

In March 2020, recall campaign RC2759 was issued for Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class vehicles that were available for sale from 1 April 2019 to 30 April 2019. These vehicles may have been fitted with faulty head restraints in which the head restrain padding could separate from the securing rods. In the event of a collision, the exposed rods and missing head restraint padding could cause injury to vehicle occupants. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2020/18257.

Problems and faults: Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Problems and faults: Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class

No troubleshooting information is currently available for the Mercedes-Benz W447 V-Class.

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