
Recalls & faults: Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis (1997-14)

Recalls: Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis

2002 Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis: steering idler arms

In December 2002, a recall was issued for Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis vehicles manufactured from 27 September to 15 October 2002 (PRA 2002/5877). For some of these vehicles, the hardness of the steering idler arms may be out of specification and excessive input from the road surface may break the idler arm and reduce driving control.

Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis: distributor hose could be squeezed

In February 2004, a recall was issued for rear-wheel drive, single Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis models due to a hose on the distributor – which ventilated ozone – potentially being squeezed by the high-tension cable and causing a lack of ventilation (PRA 2004/6779). The insides could then oxidize, resulting in engine instability and stalling; the malfunction indicator light (MIL) could also illuminate. The affected vehicles were in the following VIN ranges:

  • JN1ADGD22AO 030001 to 031009; and,
  • MNTADGD22AO 010001 to 011969.

Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis: bonnet could open when driving

In June 2005, a recall was issued for Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis vehicles due to the bonnet potentially opening while driving – this could be caused by spot welds between the hood lcok support and the hood inner panel separating (PRA 2005/7852). Identified by their VINs, the following vehicles were recalled:

  • JN1ADGD22AO040194;
  • JN1ANUD22AO030018 to JN1ANUD22AO030066;
  • JN1CNUD22AO049967 to JN1CNUD22AO050160;
  • JN1CDGD22AO040145; and,
  • JN1CRUD22AO020896 to JN1CRUD22AO020918.

Nissan D22 Navara: Takata airbag recall #1

In April 2013, a recall was issued for Nissan D22 Navara vehicles due to airbag inflators containing propellant wafers of insufficient density. As a result, the combustion rate of the propellant may increase inside the inflator, causing internal pressure to rise suddenly during airbag deployment. Such deployment could cause the inflator housing to rupture and metal fragments to scatter (PRA 2013/13542). In June 2014, this recall was amended to cover vehicles that were manufactured between April 2001 and June 2003 (PRA 2014/14182).

Nissan D22 Navara: Takata airbag recall #2

In June 2015, a recall was issued for Nissan D22 Navara vehicles that were manufactured between April 2003 and December 2003 – this recall was an amendment to previous recalls that were issued in 2013 and 2014. In these vehicles, the front passenger air bag inflator may have been assembled with improperly manufactured propellant wafers. In the event of a collision, the combustion rate of the propellant may increase inside the inflator, causing internal pressure to rise suddenly during airbag deployment. Such deployment could cause the inflator housing to rupture and disperse metal fragments, increasing the risk of injury to the occupant. The recalled Nissan D22 Navara vehicles had VINs in the range JN1***D22A010662 to JN1***D22A032639 (PRA 2015/14751).

Nissan D22 Navara: Takata airbag recall #3

In June 2015, a recall was issued for Nissan D22 Navara vehicles that were manufactured between January 2004 and March 2007. In these vehicles, the front passenger air bag inflator may have been assembled with improperly manufactured propellant wafers. In the event of a collision, the combustion rate of the propellant may increase inside the inflator, causing internal pressure to rise suddenly during airbag deployment. Such deployment could cause the inflator housing to rupture and disperse metal fragments, increasing the risk of injury to the occupant. The recalled Nissan D22 Navara vehicles had VINs in the range JN1**UD22A0011680 to JN1**UD22A0066393 (PRA 2015/14752).

Nissan D22 Navara: Takata airbag recall #4

In July 2015, Nissan extended its recall of D22 Navara cab chassis vehicles with front passenger airbags for the same defect as described in the recall above. Although the recall notice did not provide the dates of manufacture or VINs of these additional vehicles, it is understood that the recalled vehicles were manufactured from April 2007 to December 2008 (PRA 2015/14821).

Nissan D22 Navara: Takata airbag recall #5

In December 2016, a recall was issued for Nissan D22 Navara vehicles that had passenger airbags. For these vehicles, propellant wafers within the passenger airbag inflator could absorb moisture over time. On deployment, the airbag may deploy too aggressively, damaging the airbag inflator housing and causing metal fragments to be scattered throughout the cabin – this posed a risk of injury for vehicle occupants. The recalled Nissan D22 Navara vehicles had VINs in the range JN1CPUD22A0030007 to JN1CPUD22A0033519 (PRA 2016/15769).

2013-15 Nissan D22 Navara: Takata airbag recall #6

In October 2018, recall campaign R1804 was issued for Nissan D22 Navara vehicles that were manufactured from 2013 to 2015. In these vehicles, the front passenger airbag contained propellant wafers that could absorb moisture over time. In the event of airbag deployment, excessive internal pressure could cause the metal inflator housing to rupture or explode such that metallic fragments would be projected through the airbag and into the vehicle’s cabin. These metallic fragments posed a risk of serious injury and fatality. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2018/17086.

2002-08 Nissan D22 Navara: Takata airbag recall (‘like for like’ replacement)

In November 2018, recall campaign R1803 was issued for 2002-08 production year Nissan D22 Navara vehicles. This recall was issued for vehicles that had already had their Takata passenger airbag inflator replaced with a Takata airbag inflator of the same type (i.e. ‘like for like’ replacement) under a previous recall. For this recall, however, the airbag inflator was to be replaced with one that did not have the same defect as the original and its ‘like for like’ replacement whereby the airbag inflator propellant could degrade over time such that excessive pressure on deployment could cause the metal inflator housing to rupture and project metal fragments into the cabin. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2018/17163.

Search online for recalls by VIN

To see if a Nissan vehicle has been recalled due to the fitment of Takata airbags, you can conduct a search on the Nissan Australia website using its VIN.

Problems and faults: Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Nissan D22 Navara: YD25 timing chain failure

For the Nissan D22 Navara, the 2.5-litre YD25DDTi turbo-diesel engine has:

  • A simplex (i.e. single row) primary (lower) timing chain and gears; and,
  • A duplex (i.e. double row) secondary (upper) timing chain and gears.

For the primary simplex timing chain, there have been reports of the timing chain stretching, while the timing chain guides and the vacuum pump timing chain sprocket and shaft may also exhibit wear and/or damage. If the timing chain stretches, the valves and pistons can collide and cause serious engine damage such that the engine has to be rebuilt or replaced.

It is recommended that the simplex timing chain and tensioners be replaced before 80,000 kilometres and inspected every 40,000 kilometres thereafter. Due to the premature wear and failure of the single-row timing chains, aftermarket double-row timing chain kits have been developed for greater longevity.

Nissan D22 Navara with YD25DDTi diesel engine: EGR cooler coolant leak

For Nissan D22 Navara vehicles with the 2.5-litre YD25DDTi diesel engine, the EGR cooler may corrode or split internally or around its flanged ends, causing a coolant leak. Due to the heat of the exhaust system, the coolant may evaporate and therefore not be seen pooling beneath the vehicle. As such, signs of a leaking EGR cooler are:

  • A low coolant level; and,
  • Coolant stains around the EGR pipe and cooler.

If not repaired, the loss of coolant could cause the engine to overheat and damage the cylinder head gasket. While some have sought to rectify this problem by bypassing the EGR system, this is not recommended because the vehicle will not comply with emissions standards and will be unroadworthy.

Problems and faults: Nissan D22 Navara cab chassis

  • Rattling noises from the Nissan D22 Navara’s engine bay may be due to damaged camshaft bearing bolts and the cam chain tensioner – these will need to be replaced.
  • A high engine idle speed may be reset by allowing the engine to idle – untouched – for ten minutes after start-up.
  • A loss of power in third and fourth gear may be due to a faulty neutral position switch on the gearbox.
  • Rattling noises from the engine bay may be due to auxiliary belts and pulleys.

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