
Recalls & faults: Alfa Romeo Giulietta (2011-20)

Recalls: Alfa Romeo Giulietta


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Alfa Romeo Giulietta

2016-18 model year Alfa Romeo Giulietta: front passenger airbag could be disabled

In June 2018, a recall was issued for 2016-18 model year Alfa Romeo Giulietta vehicles. In these vehicles, incorrect software could allow the vehicle operator to deactivate the passenger side airbag by selecting to do so through menus in the instrument panel. If the driver had deactivated the passenger side airbag and the vehicle was involved in a collision, the front passenger would be at an increased risk of injury. To fix, the software was to be updated to remove this option. For the VINs of the recalled Alfa Romeo Giulietta vehicles, please see PRA 2018/16799.

Problems and faults: Alfa Romeo Giulietta


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

2011-12 Alfa Romeo Giulietta: MultiAir unit failure

For Alfa Romeo Giulietta vehicles with ‘MultiAir’ petrol engines manufactured prior to November 2012, there have been reports of failures for the MultiAir variable valve lift and timing unit. Specifically, it is understood that the piston which the cam lobe pushes against can become unseated from the machined aluminium of the MultiAir unit – this causes a loss of pressure within the affected cylinder; that cylinder then experiences low/no compression because the intake valves for the cylinder are not opening. The video below shows a failed hydraulic piston for cylinder 1.

Symptoms of a failed MultiAir unit include:

  • A louder than normal tappet-like noise when the engine is running;
  • Rough running and misfires (due to a lack of compression the cylinder with the faulty piston);
  • A ‘check engine’ warning; and,
  • The stop/start system being disabled (apparent from the ‘stop/start unavailable’ message).

While the incidence of MultiAir unit failures varies, they have more commonly been experienced at around 3 years or 30,000 to 40,000 kilometres.

It is understood that the MultiAir unit has undergone revisions since it was first introduced, including a revision in October or November of 2012. AustralianCar.Reviews is not aware of MultiAir unit failures where vehicles have been properly serviced and the unit has been manufactured after October/November 2012.

To minimise the risk of MultiAir unit failure, it is important that the engine oil is:

  • Maintained at its proper level. The owner’s manual recommends that the engine oil level should be checked every 3,000 kilometres and topped up if required. Furthermore, the MultiAir units are understood to be susceptible if engine oil is over-filled;
  • Changed appropriately. While the service schedule states that the engine oil should be changed every 24 months or 30,000 kilometres, it also notes that ‘[i]f the car is mainly used in cities or travels less than 10,000 km a year, [then] change the engine oil and filter every 12 months‘; and
  • Replaced with the correct type of oil. For the MultiAir petrol engines, SELENIA SAE 5W-40 ACEA C3 grade totally synthetic lubricant (FIAT 9.55535-S2 certification) is specified in the owner’s manual.

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