
Recalls & faults: Lexus 100 LX (1998-07)

Recalls: Lexus 100 LX


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Lexus 100 LX

  • In June 2002, a recall was issued for Lexus 100 LX models manufactured from 7 January 1998 to 2 September 2001 due to potential fraying of the spare wheel winch wire cable due to vibrations acting on the underbody-mounted spare wheel when driving on rough, corrugated roads at high speeds for long distances (PRA 2002/5421).
  • In March 2007, a recall was issued for certain Lexus 100 LX models manufactured from September 1997 to December 2005 for potential loosening of the front brake rotor bolts. This could be caused by repetitive high-G braking applications which could cause the bolts to unwind and eventually rattle (PRA 2007/9087).
  • In May 2008, a recall was issued for certain Lexus 100 LX models produced from 2002 to 2006 due to potential twisting of the dashboard wire harness, which could change the intended routing and allow contact with the unprotected edge of the pedal support bracket. If the vehicle was continuously driven on corrugated roads with this condition, the wire harness would rub against the pedal support bracket, damaging the wire insulation cover and resulting in a short circuit and blown fuse (PRA 2008/10050).
  • In July 2010, a recall was issued for Lexus 100 LX models produced from July 2002 to August 2007 due to a condition in which the snap ring on the steering shaft may disengage when the vehicle experiences an unusually server impact to the front wheels (e.g. striking a deep pothole). If the steering was then repeatedly turned to full lock, the steering shaft could dislodge, resulting in a loss of steering. The recalled Lexus LX 470 vehicles had VINs in the range JTJHOOW# 03523007 to JTJHOOW# 04029736 (PRA 2010/11856).
  • In February 2016, a recall was issued for Lexus LX 470 vehicles that were manufactured from 30 July 2002 to 6 June 2006. In these vehicles, improper programming of the airbag control module initialisation sequence may, under certain conditions after start-up, cause the curtain airbags to deploy when not necessary. Deployment of the curtain airbags posed a risk of injury to the occupants and a potential accident hazard (PRA 2016/15178). The recalled Lexus LX 470 vehicles had VINs in the following ranges:
    • JTJ HT00W # 03523007 to JTJ HT00W # 03555879; and,
    • JTJ HT00W # 04000001 to JTJ HT00W # 04018291.

Problems and faults: Lexus 100 LX


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Lexus 100-Series LX 470: exhaust boom at idle

In September 2005, Lexus issued Technical Service Information Bulletin EG012-05 for 1998 to 2006 model year Lexus LX 470 vehicles. At idle, with the vehicle stopped and the transmission in ‘D’, these vehicles may exhibit an exhaust booming noise. To fix,

  • A new tailpipe assembly was to be fitted;
  • The exhaust pipe was to be re-tightened;
  • Exhaust pipe support clearance was to be adjusted;
  • Cross-member frame damper weights were to be fitted (driver and passenger sides);
  • An exhaust pipe damper was to be fitted; and,
  • The front and rear engine mount insulators were to be replaced.

Lexus LX 470: steering column noise

In January 2004, Lexus issued Technical Service Information Bulletin ST002-04 for 1998-03 Lexus LX 470 vehicles. As a result of steering column noise in these vehicles, the cable was subsequently replaced with a universal joint.

Lexus LX 470: windscreen rattle

In May 2010, Lexus issued Lexus Service Bulletin L-SB-0090-08 Rev 1 for Lexus LX 470 vehicles. In these vehicles, a creaking, ticking or rattling noise may be heard at the top or bottom of the windscreen. According to the service bulletin, this may be attributable to:

  • The two windscreen stoppers that are bottom to the top of the windscreen; or,
  • The windshield retainers which are bonded to the lower edge of the windscreen.

Problems and faults: Lexus 100 LX

  • The air conditioner may make unusual noises; if so, replacing the expansion valve and/or one of the air conditioning lines with a newer line may resolve the problem. If the rear air conditioning unit makes snapping or popping noises, the expansion valve likely requires replacement.
  • Buzzing or snapping noises from the front suspension may be caused by a problem with the lower ball joint.
  • The parking brake may make rattlign noises when driving over bumps if it is not properly adjusted.
  • The front brakes may make a rattling noise unless newer anti-rattle springs are fitted.
  • The engine may not start if another transponder is on the same key ring as the original immobiliser key.
  • Sulfurous odors from the exhaust may be remedied by reprogramming the engine control computer and replacing the catalytic converter.
  • The running board clips may come loose – redesigned clips were available for retrofitting.
  • Problems with the door check may prevent the passenger door from opening all the way and the windows not going all the way down; the window channel may also be damaged if the window is open.
  • If the rear door becomes difficult to open, a redesigned lock assembly needs to be installed.
  • If the door mirrors do not return to their memory position, a revised mirror actuator may be required.
  • Clunks from the rear axle may be heard when coming to a stop, requiring the rear driveshaft to be replaced.
  • The sunroof may not operate properly if the glass is misaligned or the grease is contaminated with dirt.
  • Water leaks into the height control compressor solenoid necessitate installation of an improved compressor assembly.
  • On early Lexus 100 LX models, the power window may close then open half-way when using the auto-up feature. If so, the window switch needs to be replaced with a newer unit. If the cross bars of the roof rack are not correctly fitted, wind resistance may product a howling noise above 40 km/h.

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