
Recalls & faults: Mini F55/F56 Cooper (2014-on)

Recalls: Mini F55/F56 Cooper


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Mini F55/F56 Cooper

No recall information is available for the Mini F55/F56 Cooper. To search for recalls of MINI models, please visit Product Safety Recalls Australia: MINI.

Problems and faults: Mini F55/F56 Cooper


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

2014 MINI F55/F56 Cooper: knocking noise when turning

In August 2014, MINI issued technical service bulletin SI M31 01 14 for 2014 MINI F55/F56 Cooper vehicles. According to the service bulletin, a knocking or popping noise may be heard from the front of these vehicles when the steering wheel was turned to the full locked position – this could occur when the vehicle was being driven or when it was stationary. The knocking/popping noise was caused by the screw connection between the swivel bearing and control arm. To fix, the screw connection was to be tightened with a torque 60 Nm; it was not necessary to undo the screw connection.

2014-15 MINI F55/F56 Cooper 1.5T: cylinder head cover leak and mixture faults

In April 2015, MINI issued technical service bulletin SI M11 03 15 for 2014-15 MINI F55/F56 Cooper vehicles that had 1.5-litre B38 turbocharged petrol engines. According to the technical bulletin, these vehicles may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Illumination of the engine malfunction light and mixture faults stored in the DME;
  • The vehicle runs poorly and consumes engine oil; and,
  • Engine oil leaks from the cylinder head cover gasket area. In some cases, the cylinder head cover gasket material may be bulging out from between the cylinder head cover and cylinder head mating surfaces. When the cylinder head cover is removed, the cylinder head cover gasket material may be damaged near the crankcase ventilation drains or the bolt holes.

To fix, the cylinder head cover gasket (part number 11 12 8 618 515) and the profile gasket for the HPP pump (part number 11 12 8 618 520) were to be replaced. The engine oil and oil filter were also to be replaced.

2014-15 MINI F55/F56 Cooper and Cooper S: loss of power and ‘clutch damaged’

In June 2015, MINI issued technical service bulletin SI M12 06 15 for MINI F55/F56 Cooper and Cooper S vehicles that were manufactured prior to 26 June 2015. According to the technical bulletin, these vehicles may drive normally but display a drivetrain malfunction check control message and have one or both of the following faults for a damaged clutch stored in the DME –

  • 1D3101 – Clutch: Damaged, transmittable torque too low; and,
  • 1D3201 – Clutch: Severely damaged, transmittable torque too low.

These symptoms were attributed to the DME software being too sensitive for detecting excessive clutch slip or damage to the clutch.

To verify the cause, a test drive was to be performed with a few hard accelerations in second and fourth gears; if engine speed increased smoothly without indication of clutch slip, the faults were to be regarded as erroneous and the vehicle’s software was to be updated. If engine speed jumped or increased quickly without engine power being applied, the clutch was to be replaced.

2014-15 MINI F55/F56 Cooper and Cooper S: rough running, camshaft sensor signal faults and VANOS faults

In June 2015, MINI issued technical service bulletin SI M11 02 15 for 2014-15 MINI F55/F56 Cooper and Cooper S vehicles that had B38 and B48 engines, respectively. According to the technical bulletin, these vehicles may exhibit:

  • Rough running;
  • Illumination of the malfunction indicator light; and,
  • One or more of the following faults stored in the DME –
    • 130104 Variable camshaft timing control, intake: Control fault, camshaft jamming;
    • 130108 Variable camshaft timing control, intake: Control fault, position not reached;
    • 130304 Variable camshaft timing control, exhaust: Control fault, camshaft jamming;
    • 130308 Variable camshaft timing control, exhaust: Control fault, position not reached;
    • 130E11 Intake camshaft sensor, plausibility: Signal implausible;
    • 130E20 Intake camshaft: Angle offset with respect to the crankshaft lies outside tolerance range;
    • 130F20 Exhaust camshaft: Angle offset with respect to the crankshaft lies outside tolerance range;
    • 131401 Variable camshaft timing control, exhaust, cold start: Cannot be controlled;
    • 131501 Variable camshaft timing control, intake, cold start: Cannot be controlled;
    • 131808 Variable camshaft timing control, exhaust, cold start: Position not reached; or,
    • 131908 Variable camshaft timing control, intake, cold start: Position not reached.

The service bulletin attributes these symptoms to:

  • A DME software error; and/or,
  • Mechanical failure of the VANOS actuators, camshafts and the VANOS central bolt valves.

To fix,

  • Vehicle software was to be updated with the latest version of ISTA/P (3.55.0 or higher);
  • The engine was to be restarted. If the symptoms were no longer present, no further action was to be taken;
  • If, however, the engine ran rough, the malfunction indicator lamp illuminated or fault codes were stored in the DME, then the VANOS adjustment units for both camshafts were to be replaced (part numbers 11 36 7 608 788 and 11 36 7 608 789).

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