
Recalls & faults: Toyota XW20 Prius (2003-09)

Recalls: Toyota XW20 Prius


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Toyota XW20 Prius

2003-04 Toyota XW20 Prius: stop lamp may become inoperative

In December 2004, a recall was issued for Toyota XW20 Prius models produced from 2003 to 2004 due to a condition in which the stop lamp became inoperative due to silicon oxide being generated on the surface of the contact point (PRA 2004/7411).

Toyota XW20 Prius: airbags may not properly inflate

In April 2006, a recall was issued for Toyota XW20 Prius vehicles due to insufficient heating agents within the curtain and knee airbags. As a result, expansion of the gas in the inflator may be insufficient to properly inflate the airbag when the airbag system was activated during a collision (PRA 2006/8423).

Toyota XW20 Prius: potential loss of steering control

In June 2006, a recall was issued for Toyota XW20 Prius vehicles due to the possibility that the intermediate steering shaft may become loose or develop a crack. If the vehicle continued to be operated in these conditions, the steering connection may separate or fracture, resulting in a loss of steering (PRA 2006/8541).

2003-09 Toyota XW20 Prius: potential loss of steering control

In November 2012, a recall was issued for Toyota XW20 Prius vehicles available for sale from 1 May 2003 to 30 April 2009. Due to the insufficient harness treatment of some extension shafts, the splines that connect the extension shaft to the steering gear box may deform over time time – this could result in reduced steering control, posing a potential traffic hazard to the driver and other road users (PRA 2012/13377). By VIN, the following vehicles were subject to the recall:

  • JTD KB20U # 00001001 – 00133025 (produced from June 2003 to Sept 2004);
  • JTD KB20U # 03000147 – 03546220 (produced from Oct 2004 to March 2009);
  • JTD KB20U # 07000559 – 07892859 (produced from Oct 2004 to Feb 2009);
  • JTD KB22U # 00001089 – 00133119 (produced from Aug 2003 to Sept 2004);
  • JTD KB22U # 03001419 – 03546367 (produced from Oct 2004 to March 2009); and,
  • JTD KB22U # 07000001 – 07894033 (produced from Oct 2004 to March 2009).

2003-09 Toyota XW20 Prius: water pump could stop working

In November 2012, a recall was issued for Toyota XW20 Prius vehicles that were available for sale from 1 August 2003 to 30 March 2009. In these vehicles, the electric motor installed in the hybrid system water pump could stop functioning, leading to illumination of various warning lights on the instrument panel. If the electric power supply circuit fuse opened, the hybrid system may stop functioning while the vehicle is being driven; if left unchecked, the vehicle may enter ‘limp-home’ or ‘fail-safe’ mode, reducing engine power (PRA 2012/13381). By VIN, the following vehicles were subject to the recall:

  • JTDKB20U#00001146 – JTDKB20U#00133025;
  • JTDKB20U#03001969 – JTDKB20U#03546220;
  • JTDKB20U#07001067 – JTDKB20U#07892859;
  • JTDKB22U#00001093 – JTDKB22U#00132299;
  • JTDKB22U#03001419 – JTDKB22U#03546367; and,
  • JTDKB22U#07000001 – JTDKB22U#07894033.

Problems and faults: Toyota XW20 Prius


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Toyota XW20 Prius: battery may overheat

In 2011, Toyota UK issued a ‘non-code action’ for second-generation Toyota XW20 Prius vehicles because the battery may overheat (NCA/2011/009); no further information was provided.

Toyota XW20 Prius: malfunction indicator light

For early Toyota XW20 Prius models, the malfunction indicator light on the dashboard may illuminate due to an air/fuel ratio sensor problem; an improved sensor was available to fix the problem. However, the light may also illuminate in the absence of any obvious problems and require a special wire in the high-voltage battery system to be installed.

Problems and faults: Toyota XW20 Prius

  • When using an auxiliary audio input, there may be unwanted noise from the audio system. This may be fixed by the installation of an in-line filter.
  • The parking brake light may stay illuminated after release; a revised pedal assembly was released to fix.
  • The ‘check engine’ light may illuminate due to a problem with the coolant flow control valve.
  • A coolant leak may develop in the converter/inverter assembly, requiring replacement of the leaking component.
  • If engine oil with the wrong viscosity is used, the malfunction indicator light on the dashboard may illuminate and issue a code for ‘engine does not start’.
  • Inaccurate fuel gauge readings may be fixed by replacing the meter and/or the fuel filler pipe.
  • The brake pedal may squeak – if bleeding the braking system does not fix, the brake actuator may have to be replaced.

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