
Recalls & faults: Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life (2006-15)

Recalls: Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life

2006 Volkswagen Caddy: rear axle clamps could break

In July 2007, a recall was issued for 2007 model year Volkswagen Caddy vehicles that were manufactured between July 2006 and August 2006. In these vehicles, the spring clamps on the rear axle could break because of poor heat treatment (PRA 2007/9426).

Volkswagen Caddy with DQ250 DSG: loss of drive/power

In June 2013, a recall was issued for Volkswagen 2K Caddy vehicles that had six-speed DQ250 Direct Shift Gearboxes (DSGs); AustralianCar.Reviews understands that the recalled vehicles were manufactured from 1 September 2008 to 31 August 2009. In these vehicles, the wiring harness of a temperature sensor within the transmission may have insufficiently crimped connector wires. This could cause the temperature sensor to incorrectly detect high gearbox oil temperatures and activate the clutch protection function – this would illuminate a flashing gear warning light and cause 1) juddering of the vehicle, 2) a reduction in engine torque, and 3) opening of the clutch (as if the gearbox were in ‘neutral’). As such, loss of power to the wheels could pose a hazard to occupants of the vehicle and other road users. For the recalled vehicles, Volkswagen provided a software update for the gearbox control unit (PRA 2013/13625).

Volkswagen 2K Caddy with DQ200 DSG: loss of power

In June 2013, a recall was issued for Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life vehicles that were fitted with seven-speed DQ200 Direct Shift Gearboxes (DSGs) and manufactured between June 2008 and September 2011. In these vehicles, sulphur in the gear oil and an inorganic heat stabiliser in the plastic parts (iodine) of the mechatronic unit could cause metallic surfaces to suffer from electrolytic corrosion, particularly in conditions with high temperatures and humidity. Conducting particles could then settle between the circuit paths of the control unit and cause a short circuit and blow the gearbox fuse. If the fuse were to blow, the clutch would open and freewheel, resulting in a sudden and total loss of power to the wheels. Although other vehicle systems such as steering and braking would continue to function, the loss of power may pose a hazard to the occupants and other road users (PRA 2013/13626).

Volkswagen Caddy with DQ200 DSG: loss of power

In November 2013, a recall was issued for 2013 model year Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life vehicles with seven-speed DQ200 DSG transmissions. In these vehicles, electrolysis of sulphur constituents in the synthetic oil could cause them to separate and accumulate between electrical conductor paths. In turn, this could create a short circuit and blow the gearbox fuse, causing the clutch to fully open. While the majority of failures occurred on start-up when the vehicle was stationary, a failure when the vehicle was in motion would result in a sudden loss of power at the wheels. All other functions of the vehicle, however, would remain active. As part of the recall, the synthetic transmission oil was to be replaced with mineral oil (PRA 2013/13835).

Pre-2013 Volkswagen Caddy: boot lid could drop unexpectedly

In March 2014, a recall was issued for Volkswagen Caddy vehicles that were manufactured prior to January 2013. In these vehicles, the attachments of the ball pin for the gas pressure spring on the D-pillar may loosen. If this occurred, the ball pin could subsequently tear off and cause the boot lid to drop down unexpectedly – this could pose an injury risk (PRA 2014/14006).

2010-15 Volkswagen Caddy: diesel engine NOx emissions

In October 2015, a recall was issued for 2010-15 Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life vehicles with 1.6- and 2.0-litre EA189 diesel engines. According to the recall notice, ‘the emissions levels may not meet regulatory requirements when the affected vehicle is driven under normal conditions’ (see ‘Diesel engines: NOx emissions “defeat device”‘, below). For the 1.6-litre EA189 engine, a ‘flow transformer’ will be fitted directly in front of the air mass sensor and a software update will be introduced. The flow transformer is a mesh screen that reduces the swirl of the air flow upstream of the air mass sensor so that the sensor can more accurately measure intake air volume. For the 2.0-litre EA189 engine, a software update will be introduced which takes advantage of improved simulation of air currents inside the air intake system. Volkswagen aims to implement the software update from January 2016; the labour time for installing the updated software is around half an hour. Owners could determine if their vehicles were part of the recall by visiting (PRA 2015/14950).

2012-13 Volkswagen Caddy: starter motor may crank when unlocking

In December 2015, a recall was issued for 2012 and 2013 Volkswagen Caddy vehicles. In the recalled vehicles, the earth attachment of the on-board power supply control unit may not have been correctly tightened. In certain circumstances, the starter motor may crank the engine when unlocking the vehicle; if the vehicle was left in gear, the vehicle could then move and pose a hazard (PRA 2015/15133).

2009 and 2010 model year Volkswagen Caddy: ABS and ESC may not operate

In March 2017, a recall was issued for 2009 and 2010 model year Volkswagen Caddy vehicles. In these vehicles, thermal overload within the ABS/ESC control unit could interrupt the current flow and this could prevent the ABS and ESC systems from functioning as intended; a warning light would also illuminate on the dashboard. In critical driving situations, the absence of ABS and ESC could increase the risk of a collision and injury to vehicle occupants. As part of the recall, the software for the ABS/ESC control unit would be updated to regularly check the operation of the unit (PRA 2017/15956).

2011-15 model year Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life DSG: pressure accumulator crack and loss of power

In October 2019, recall campaign 35D8 was issued for 2011-15 model year Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life vehicles. Due to a production fault, a crack in the transmission’s pressure accumulator (within the mechatronics housing) could occur. If the pressure accumulator cracked, oil and pressure would be lost in the hydraulic system of the gearbox. If this occurred, the transmission of engine power would be interrupted, similar to depressing the clutch in a vehicle with a manual transmission – this increased the risk of a collision and injury to vehicle occupants. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2019/17886. AustralianCar.Reviews understands that the recalled vehicles had seven-speed DQ200 DSG transmissions.

2011-15 Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life with 7sp DSG: loss of drive

In April 2020, recall campaign 34J5 was issued for Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life vehicles that had seven-speed dual clutch (‘DSG’) transmissions. In these vehicles, a fluid leak could lead to a loss of pressure in the gearbox. This pressure loss could interrupt the transmission of power between the engine and gearbox, causing a loss of drive – this increased the risk of a collision and posed a hazard to both vehicle occupants and other road users. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2020/18258.

Problems and faults: Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Diesel engines: NOx emissions “defeat device”

Australian-delivered Volkswagen 2K Caddy Life vehicles powered by 1.6- and 2.0-litre diesel engines that were available for sale from 2010 to 2015 had software in the electronic control module (ECM) that could sense – via sensors measuring the position of the steering wheel, vehicle speed, the duration of the engine’s operation and barometric pressure – when the vehicle was undergoing emissions testing. The ECM would then run a ‘dyno calibration’ to produce lower nitrous oxide emissions during testing. At all other times, the ECM would run a separate ‘road calibration’ which reduced the effectiveness of the emission control system, specifically the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) or the lean NOx trap.

Based on testing conducted by the EPA and the California Air Resources Board (CARB), NOx emissions for the ‘road calibration’ were 10 to 40 times higher than US standards – this led the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a notice of violation under the Clean Air Act.As a result, these vehicles did not meet the environmental standards claimed by Volkswagen.

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