
Recalls & faults: Volvo Mk.2 C70 Convertible (2006-13)

Recalls: Volvo Mk.2 C70 Convertible


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Volvo Mk.2 C70 Convertible

  • In January 2007, a recall was issued for model year 2007 Volvo C70 Convertible vehicles in the VIN range 0010055 to 0014752. For these vehicles, the wrong information was printed on the vehicle product label and was to be replaced (PRA 2007/8988).
  • In May 2007, a recall was issued for model year 2007 Volvo C70 Convertible vehicles due to an incorrect temporary assembly instruction resulting in a faulty assembly of the left door handle Bowden cable attachment (PRA 2007/9270).
  • In June 2010, a recall was issued for model year 2010 Volvo C70 Convertible vehicles fitted with a 2.5-litre engine, manual transmission and in the VIN range 098008 to 099383. For these vehicles, the ball joint and cylinder pin on the gearshift lever may be mounted with an incorrect torque, which could lead to the ball joint coming loose. As a result, the driver may be unable to change gears which could create an unsafe driving condition. However, the driver would be able to stop the vehicle by depressing the clutch, brake and turning off the ignition (PRA 2010/11719).
  • In April 2011, a recall was issued for 2011 model year Volvo C70 Convertible vehicles fitted with a headlight cleaning system. For these vehicles, the headlight cleaning pump may affect the washer fluid level sensor. As such, the driver may not receive information on the instrument panel when the washer fluid level is low, constituting non-compliance with the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989, ECE R45 (PRA 2011/12502).
  • In May 2015, a recall was issued for model ‘year 2008’ to ‘model year 2011’ Volvo C70 Convertibles that had six-speed manual transmissions. In these vehicles, the clutch cylinder rod may break such that it may not be possible for the driver to disengage the clutch. The clutch cylinder rod could break without warning to the driver and pose an accident hazard to the driver and other road users. The recalled C70 Convertible vehicles had serial numbers (i.e. the last six digits of the VIN) in the range 049859 to 099741 (PRA 2015/14692).

Problems and faults: Volvo Mk.2 C70 Convertible


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Volvo C70 T5: PCV diaphragm rupture

For the Volvo C70 T5’s 2.5-litre B5254T3 turbocharged petrol engine, the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) diaphragm – located in the oil filter housing – may rupture. Symptoms of a ruptured PCV diaphragm include:

  • A whining/whistling noise that increases with engine speed, yet stops when the dipstick is removed (since removing the dipstick releases back pressure, see video below);
  • A lack of boost pressure in low gears;
  • Excessive oil consumption;
  • Blue smoke from the exhaust; and,
  • Illumination of the engine warning light.

To fix,the air filter housing assembly needs to be removed; Sometimes, the breather hose from the assembly to the block may be damaged and also require replacement. It is understood that Volvo subsequently introduced an uprated diaphragm.

Volvo C70 T5: cracked cylinder liners

The Volvo C70 T5’s 2.5-litre B5254T3 turbocharged engine had an open deck block and steel cylinder liners that were press-fitted into the block. For the B5254T3 engine, however, there have been rare cases of cracked cylinder liners (also known as sleeves). Symptoms of cracked cylinder liners include:

  • Misfire when cold;
  • Loss of coolant;
  • Excessive white smoke; and,
  • Rough running on start-up.

Engines that have been modified for greater power are considered more vulnerable to cracked cylinder liners (particularly beyond 240 kW); it has also been suggested that cracked cylinder liners were most common for pre-April 2008 engines, though AustralianCar.Reviews has not been able to verify this.

Volvo C70 T5: solenoid boost valve

For the Volvo C70 T5’s 2.5-litre B5254T3 turbocharged petrol engine, the solenoid boost valve is susceptible to failure. If there is a lack of performance and the boost gauge boost doesn’t go beyond a quarter of the dial, this is indicative of a failed solenoid boost valve. If the valve is operating properly, the dial on the boost pressure gauge should go beyond halfway before settling down in the middle.

Problems and faults: Volvo Mk.2 C70 Convertible

  • Noise from the power steering pump may be due to it coming into contact with the air conditioning accumulator.
  • The Volvo C70’s convertible roof may stop working as it is being lowered due to a sensor being out of position. The remote central locking system may only work intermittently because a screw in the unit becomes loose and electrical connections are affected.
  • The anti-theft alarm may be activated while driving and an ‘alarm service required’ message may appear on the driver information centre; if so, the central communications module requires replacement.
  • For early models, difficulty starting the vehicle in cold temperatures may be remedied by the engine control module.
  • For early models, unwanted noises may come from the speakers if an auxiliary music player is used. A revised cable for the wiring harness was subsequently released to fix this problem, though the audio module may also require replacement.

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