
Recalls & faults: Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS (2006-09)

Recalls: Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS

  • In July 2007, a recall was issued for Mazda3 MPS vehicles manufactured from 22 May 2006 to 14 May 2007 and in the VIN range JM0BK103200300010 to JM0BK103200358229. For these vehicles, a bolt securing the engine and transmission assembly to one of its mounting points could loosen over time. If the bolt were to come out or break, the engine and transmission may drop and detach the driveshaft, resulting in the vehicle being unable to be driven (PRA 2007/9373).
  • In August 2011, a recall was issued for Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles manufactured from 8 January 2008 to 19 February 2009 and in the VIN range JM0BK10*200395304 to JM0BK10*200469128. In these vehicles, the ground terminal of the windscreen wiper motor may have been bent during assembly, causing a loss of the electrical ground connection which could result in the wiper motor not functioning (PRA 2011/12765).

Problems and faults: Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

BK Mazda3 MPS: VVT ticking noise

In April 2012, Mazda USA issued a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB 01-012/12) for Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles. In these vehicles, there may be a loud ticking noise from the variable valve timing (VVT) actuator when the L3-VDT engine was first started due to:

  • The lock pin of the variable valve timing actuator not fully engaging; or
  • A worn lock pin hole.

To fix, the cylinder head had to be removed and the VVT actuator replaced. Subsequently, heat treatment was applied to the area around the hole of the variable valve timing rotor lock pin to prevent this from happening.

BK Mazda3 MPS: stretched timing chain

In April 2012, Mazda USA issued a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB 01-012/12) for Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles. When the engine was warmed up, the Mazda3 MPS may exhibit a knocking/rattling noise from the front timing cover and/or valve (cylinder head) cover at engine speeds below 2000 rpm – this noise was caused by excessive stretching of the timing chain. To fix, the timing chain needed to be replaced. The design of the timing chain was subsequently changed to overcome the problem.

BK Mazda3 MPS: sticking swirl valve actuator

In July 2007, Mazda USA issued service bulletin 01-010/07 for 2007 Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles that were produced prior to 5 February 2007 and had VINs preceding JM1BK******711636. In some of these vehicles, the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) would illuminate and the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P2006 would be stored in memory due to the variable swirl shutter valve actuator intermittently sticking in cold weather – this was caused by inadequate spring force in the actuator. To fix, the variable swirl shutter valve actuator was to be replaced and the powertrain control module (PCM) re-programmed with new DTC detection logic.

BK Mazda3 MPS: low fuel pressure

In April 2008, Mazda USA issued service bulletin 01-022/08 for 2007-08 Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles that were manufactured prior to 22 November 2007 and had VINs preceding JM1BK**** ** 859606. In these vehicles, delayed fuel pressure build-up at the high-pressure fuel pump may cause:

  • Rough idling, stalling and/or hesitation under cold conditions;
  • Intermittent lack of power during acceleration when the engine gets hot; and,
  • The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) to illuminate and issue Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) P2177/P2187 (fuel system too lean at off idle).

The service bulletin attributed the delay in fuel pressure build-up to:

  • The drive current from the PCM (powertrain control module) being insufficient for some fuel pumps; or,
  • Some fuel pumps having a slower response.

To fix, the PCM software and the specification of the high-pressure fuel pump were changed.

BK Mazda3 MPS: variable idle speed and stalling

In February 2009, Mazda USA issued service bulletin 01-007/09 for Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles because of variable idle speed and, in some rare cases, stalling after the vehicle had stopped. The service bulletin attributed this behaviour to the accumulation of carbon deposits inside the throttle body which caused air flow to decrease. To fix, the throttle body needed to be removed, cleaned and re-installed using a new gasket.

BK Mazda3 MPS: white/blue exhaust smoke

In April 2011, Mazda USA issued service bulletin 01-002/11 for 2007-09 Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles that were produced prior to 1 July 2008 and had VINs preceding JM1BK****9*187397. In these vehicles, white/blue smoke may be emitted from the exhaust pipes after long idle periods or while driving at slow speeds in heavy traffic – this may be due to insufficient crank case ventilation which causes oil leakage past the exhaust turbine shaft seal. If this were identified as the problem, ventilation components (i.e. the cylinder head cover, ventilation hose, engine hanger, air pipe, vacuum hose and related plug) were to be replaced.

Other possible causes, however, included:

  • Engine oil viscosity break down due to insufficient oil changes; and,
  • Usage of lower than 5W-30 viscosity engine oil.

BK Mazda3 MPS: front-end clunk after take-off

In January 2014, Mazda USA issued service bulletin service bulletin 04-022/14 for 2007-09 Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles because some owners experienced a slight clunk/bang/buzz noise or jolt from the front of the vehicle during the vehicle’s initial forward movement after starting the engine. As per the service bulletin, this noise was due to a normal ‘Malfunction Detection Function’ being performed by the Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) and did not require repairs.

2006-09 BK Mazda3 MPS: cracked dashboard

In December 2009, Mazda USA issued Service Bulletin 09-070/09 for 2004-09 Mazda BK Mazda3 MPS vehicles because a crack may appear in the centre of the dashboard. According to the service bulletin, the crack in the dashboard was due to ‘stretching tension during production’ and could become visible when combined with temperature changes. As per the service bulletin, the dashboard was to be repaired by replacing the cracked panel of the instrument panel with a modified one; the dashboard assembly itself was not to be replaced.

BK Mazda3 MPS: Other problems and faults

  • Engine overheating and/or a lack of battery charging may be due to a tensioner pulley wearing out; as a result, the tensioner and air conditioning belt require replacement.
  • The power steering may become heavy due to leaking from a fluid return hose connection.
  • The auto-down feature of the driver’s power window may stop working when the window is half-way down. If so, the power window main switch likely requires replacement.
  • The hinges in the windscreen wiper arms may be affected by corrosion and require replacement arms.
  • The ‘check engine’ light may illuminate in the absence of any drivability issues due to a valve in the intake system jamming.
  • The airbag warning light may illuminate due to pretensioner sensor wiring damage caused by adjusting the seat.

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