
Recalls & faults: Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate (2008-14)

Recalls: Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate


Manufacturers, or importers, issue recalls for defects or faults which have the potential to cause injury. Generally, manufacturers will inform the original buyers if their vehicle is subject to a recall and of the steps required to remedy the defect or fault. Please note that the recalls below (if any) are for Australian-delivered vehicles only. Furthermore, the number of recalls should not be taken as an indication of a model’s reliability or its safety more generally.

Recalls: Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate

2009-10 Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate: loss of steering assistance

In November 2010, a recall was issued for Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate vehicles manufactured between 1 June 2009 and 28 February 2010 for higher than normally required steering forces, particularly during parking manoeuvres. This could be caused by a loss of fluid at the connection between the high pressure line and the power steering pump – this gradual loss of fluid was generally followed by a whining noise from the pump (PRA 2010/12141).

2009-10 Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate with diesel engine: fuel leak

In December 2010, a recall was issued for Mercedes-Benz vehicles fitted with the OM651 2.1-litre turbo-diesel four-cylinder engine that were produced between 1 November 2009 and 1 November 2010 due to possible leaking of diesel fuel from the fuel filter (PRA 2010/12193).

2014 Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate with diesel engine: oil leak

In January 2015, a recall was issued for Mercedes-Benz vehicles with the OM651 turbo-diesel engine that were available for sale during 2014. In these vehicles, the seal ring between the timing chain tensioner and the engine may leak oil – this could result in a hazard for other road users and, in extreme cases, a fire risk (PRA 2015/14509).

2013 Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate: loss of steering control

In April 2017, a recall was issued for Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate vehicles that were manufactured from 1 May 2013 to 31 May 2013. In these vehicles, the bolt which secured the steering coupling may not have been tightened correctly during manufacture. As a result, the steering coupling could detach from the steering shaft – this could cause a loss of steering control, posing a hazard for vehicle occupants and other road users (PRA 2017/16028).

2012-14 Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate: deployment of driver’s airbag

In February 2018, recall RC2437/A was issued for Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estates that were available for sale in Australia from March 2012. If the steering column was not sufficiently grounded and the steering column switch was damaged or faulty, an electrostatic discharge could cause the driver’s airbag to deploy. If these conditions occurred, an airbag warning message in the instrument cluster display and a red airbag indicator lamp (signalling that the steering column module was damaged/faulty) would alert the driver. If the airbag deployed in the absence of a collision, it could injure and distract the driver. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2018/16572.

2008-11 ‘model year’ Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate: Takata airbag recall

In May 2018, recall RC2469 S2 was initiated for 2008-11 ‘model year’ Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estates. In these vehicles, the front airbags contained propellant that could absorb moisture over time. In the event of a collision which triggered the airbag, the airbag could deploy too aggressively and the metal inflator housing could explode/rupture due to excessive internal pressure. If this occurred, metal fragments could be propelled through the airbag cushion and towards vehicle occupants – these fragments posed a risk of serious injury or fatality. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2018/16814.

2012 ‘model year’ Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate: Takata airbag recall

In October 2018, recall campaign RC2469 S4 was issued for 2012 ‘model year’ Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estates. These vehicles had Takata passenger airbags and, over time, propellant wafers inside the airbag could absorb moisture. In the event of airbag deployment, excessive pressure inside the metal airbag inflator housing could cause it to explode or rupture, such that metal fragments may be projected through the airbag and into the vehicle’s cabin. These metal fragments had the potential to cause serious injury or fatality. For the VINs of the recalled vehicles, please see PRA 2018/17006.

Problems and faults: Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate


This section identifies potential problems, causes and fixes based on the experiences of owners and repairers, online sources and technical service bulletins. This information is provided solely for reference purposes and AustralianCar.Reviews recommends that only properly qualified persons carry out repairs or modifications. Furthermore, the number of items below should not be taken as an indicator of a model’s reliability or the frequency with which they may occur.

To report a problem or fault to the AustralianCar.Reviews team, please use the Contact Us form. Note that AustralianCar.Reviews does not offer advice on automotive problems or disputes; such enquiries will not receive a reply. For vehicles purchased from dealers after 1 January 2011, please see our Australian Consumer Law fact sheet.

Mercedes-Benz S204 C 200 Kompressor, C 200 CGI, C 200 and C 250: camshaft adjuster/sprocket failure

For the M271 and M271 EVO engines, each camshaft has a camshaft adjuster/sprocket mounted to the front of it. The camshaft adjuster is mounted on a bearing so that it can rotate separately from the camshaft and is driven by timing chain. Furthermore, a solenoid is bolted onto the camshaft adjuster and attached to the end of the camshaft. As the camshaft adjuster is rotated by the timing chain, the sprocket can control the offset of the camshaft.

While camshaft adjuster failures are a recognised problem for the M271 engine, there have also been reports for the M271 EVO engine. For the post-2009 M271 EVO engine, however, it is understood that Mercedes-Benz changed the design of the camshaft adjuster, the aluminium cover for the camshaft adjuster and solenoid for the 2012 model year. As such, post-2012 M271 EVO engines should not experience this problem.

Camshaft adjuster/sprocket failure
The camshaft adjuster for the M271 engine is made from cast iron and its operation against the single-row steel timing chain causes the teeth to wear prematurely; while the teeth can potentially break off, this is relatively rare. Wear to the camshaft adjuster can cause:

  • The engine’s valve timing to be advanced or retarded;
  • The timing chain to stretch; and,
  • At worst, changes to engine timing can cause the pistons and valves to collide – such engine damage is extremely serious.

Merc271 provides re-manufactured camshaft adjusters in which the original gear face has been removed and a high-tensile, surface hardened steel gear profile has been applied to make it significantly stronger. Some owners, however, recommend replacing the timing chains and camshaft adjusters as a preventative measure every 130,000 kilometres.

Symptoms of camshaft adjuster failure include:

  • A rattling noise on start-up caused by play of the timing chain and camshaft adjuster teeth;
  • Uneven running and a rough idle;
  • Diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) related to camshaft timing.

Replacing the camshaft adjuster requires:

  • The solenoid and valve cover to be removed;
  • The tension on the timing chain to be released; and,
  • The camshaft adjuster to be removed from the camshaft.

Mercedes-Benz S204 C 200 CDI and C 220 CDI: leaking diesel injectors

For the Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate’s OM646 diesel engines (in the C 200 CDI and C 220 CDI), the injector seal is a copper washer that is susceptible to failure. Failure of the injector seal causes fuel to leak from the cylinder head and symptoms of a leaking injector include:

  • A fuel smell (like paraffin oil) inside the passenger compartment;
  • A ‘chuffing’ sound from the top of the affected cylinder as combustion gas escapes on the compression stroke;
  • A black, shiny ‘coal like’ deposit around the leaking injector or injectors (sometimes referred to as ‘black death’);
  • A loss of power; and,
  • Increased fuel consumption.

To fix, the engine covers have to be removed to determine which injector(s) are leaking. If carbon deposits are present, they have to be completely cleared and chipped away with a blunt screwdriver/scraper and vacuumed. Furthermore, if an unclamped injector cannot be moved freely by hand, it may have seized. If seized, the injector needs to be removed by a specialist as damage to the injector or head can result in significantly higher repair costs. The injector seat will likely be blackened and carbonised – this needs to be cleaned off; in severe cases, it may need to be re-cut to provide a usable sealing surface.

For further information, please see Mercedes Diesel Injector Advice.

Mercedes-Benz S204 C 200 CDI and C 250 CDI: OM651 injector failure and timing chain/tensioner wear

For the OM651 turbo-diesel engine, the Delphi piezo injectors that were fitted for the 125 kW to 150 kW variants (i.e. the S204 C 220 CDI BlueEfficiency and C 250 CDI BlueEfficiency) experienced a high failure rate, generally occurring beyond 50,000 kilometres. If the injectors failed, the engine warning light would illuminate, the vehicle would enter ‘limp home’ mode and the engine run unevenly. Initially, revised piezo injectors were introduced. Subsequently, however, Mercedes-Benz initiated a customer service action whereby the original Delphi piezo injectors were replaced with magnetic solenoid injectors, a new ECU was installed, a fuel return line was retrofitted and the engine cover was changed. From around mid-2012, Mercedes-Benz ceased using piezo injectors for these engines and used magnetically-actuated solenoid injectors instead.

There have been reports of wear of the simplex timing chain and/or chain tensioner at higher mileages. Since the chain is installed on the transmission side of the engine, access is restricted and replacement is expensive.

Problems and faults: Mercedes-Benz S204 C-Class Estate

  • The engine may not restart after it has been running (i.e. heat soak), but restart once cooled; this may be due to a faulty control unit for the fuel pump.
  • Knocking noises from the engine bay during low speed manoeuvres such as parking may be due to problems with the hydro bushings; improved bushings were subsequently released.
  • A low oil warning when the oil level is sufficient may be due to a faulty oil level switch or software error.
  • The sunroof may not close automatically due to a faulty control module (located in the overhead console); if so, the control needs to be re-flashed.
  • The climate control air conditioning may not function properly if snow enters through the cowl; a revised cowl was subsequently released and could be retro-fitted.

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